You are Consciousness
You are Energy
You are Vibration
You are Source Energy

You are Creator

“It's not the words of your intentions that manifest your reality, it's the vibration of the energy of your intentions that attracts.”    

 In my one-on-one Spiritual Counseling Sessions, I will guide you in remembering you are spirit here having a human experience. We will work through your personal experience and awakening process while developing your spiritual growth. As a medium for the spirit world and with the channeled help from your higher self and spirit team, as well as, my collective and guides, you will understand your innate connection with Spirit and your co-creation power through the Law of Attraction. 

I hold a high vibrational space that allows the healing process of finding balance in your life. I help you find and understand your shadow aspects, breaking old belief patterns, often karmic, that no longer serve. I guide you in healing from past trauma that has been limiting, causing strain and confusion in your spiritual growth.

We will work on creating a positive self-image as you learn to have a compassionate and spiritual relationship with yourself. I will introduce new habits and practices that will encourage an enlightened set of beliefs and you will learn to trust your Emotional Guidance System and intuition.

In your personally tailored sessions, I will connect you into Source Energy and your Spirit Team as they guide me through channeling and energy work. I hold a high vibrational frequency as I bring in their absolute love, support and wisdom as they awaken your divine power of self.

Listening to their guidance, you will hear their messages with clarity as they offer you profound healing on an energetic level and a perception shift each time, helping you find your true authentic self; the highest vibration of attraction.

Through our intuitively guided discussions, energy work and healing, and reconnecting you with Spirit, you will not only remember how powerful you are but become proficient at leveraging the Law of Attraction to create abundance and happiness!

 I want to help you remember what you forgot when you joined this
3rd dimensional experience.

That your spirit here on earth exploring a human existence.
You harness the complete ability to heal yourself and
create the life you desire! 

Ignite your Spirit

Working Together

Through our sessions you will:

~ Reconnect to your Divine Power

~ Understand the Law of Attraction

~ Shift old belief patterns

~ Change your perception of self 

~ Hear the messages from your Spirit Team

 ~ Receive transformational healing 

~ Connect into your intuition 

~ Find balance in your life

~ Interact differently with the world around you

~ Intentionally Manifest

~ Become playful in your creations

~ Activate your White Light Vortex

 ~ Witness profound results

Becoming A Spiritual Teacher....

I began my work with the Law of Attraction and working with Spirit after working in the medical field for 15 years and investing years of education in counseling. I have always been strongly empathic. Several years ago, through meditation and becoming an Advanced Reiki Practitioner, I rediscovered my Spirit and its oneness with Source and Universal Energy. In this process, I came to understand that psychological diagnoses can do more harm than good and it became clear that I could no longer work within the confines of mainstream psychology. My innate empathic abilities became clairvoyant, and I now experience the world as a vibrational being. I began to channel Source, my Higher Self, and my Arcturians Collective - bringing in and remembering the oneness of who we are and the power we have when working with our own Spirit. It brought in a remembrance of the mechanisms the Universe uses to move us to co-create through the  Law of Resonance and Law of Attraction. I now intentionally work with Spirit using my intuition, vibration and energy to navigate the world around me. I understand I have the absolute power to create my desired experience.   

I am here to remind you that you too have this power and have just forgotten. I hold a high vibrational space as I intuitively work with Source, your Spirit Team, and the Akashic Records to identify and change your karmic patterns and remove the blocks in your creation process. I will guide you in remembering how to use the Law of Attraction and your Emotional Guidance System to co-create. I will help you understand and heal your shadow aspects to create a life of authenticity bringing in abundance, connection and absolute joy!

My passion is to guide you in remembering how to activate your own
Spirit Within,
connecting you to your
Innate Creative Power and Intuitive Abilities

Kind words from my clients.......

Angie is a light that we so desperately need these days. Her spirit shines through and talking with her is both encouraging and uplifting. She is forthright (which is exactly what I need) and funny and very obviously connected with Source. She is grounded in both the mundane and the spiritual and shares from a place of absolute faith in her Spirit Team. She pointed me to my own Spirit Team and their eagerness to work with me which was encouraging, hopeful and heart-opening. I highly recommend working with Angie if you are needing a spiritual boost, spiritual insight or spiritual direction.

Angie Dixon

"Angie is an amazing Coach and Spirit Guide! She looks in your eyes, and gets you and your Spiritual essence. She helped me so much when I developed painful yet colorful, full-body bubble blisters. These were stuck emotions of childhood trauma, finally expressing. She encouraged my transformation: feeling the Feelings, Releasing, and Reparenting my inner children. Angie significantly shifted my Healing path, with Heart-centered Ancestral Healing and Claiming my Power meditations. Angie is also a great listener, very supportive and deeply appreciated. Highly recommend this gifted coach, amazing incredible healer!!"

Kathy Guilbert

"Angie is amazing! She is a beautiful soul, full of source energy here to activate magic and that is exactly what she did for me. I felt stuck in some ways on my journey and needed a guide to help me to activate and unleash the magic that I hold inside. Although I am an intuitive healer myself, there were things I couldn’t seem to access on my own and Angie tuned into me and helped me to see that magic through a creation filter. I’m so appreciative to her sharing her energy with me and helping me truly become unstoppable. Should you have opportunity to work with this amazing spirit, don’t hesitate!!"

Tammi Morrison

"Had my first meeting with Angie last weekend and all I can say is WOW! Kind, caring, loving human...I was heard and SEEN. She not only helped me navigate a difficult situation, she walked WITH me..and that is priceless!"

Lisa Scott

"I recently had the pleasure of discovering Law of Attraction Coach, Angela McCallister at the Metaphysical Market (in Arlington, WA) a few weeks ago. Angela has an incredibly warm and welcoming presence that casts an ease. During our session together, she provided me with a helpful technique that helped me shift my energy to focus on allowing the things in my life that I overlooked. What I appreciate most about working with Angela is her intimacy while working with energy. I have already seen significant positive changes in my life. Angela McCallister is truly a gem and an amazing coach!" 

Stephanie Banaszak

Went to the MEWE fair in Lynnwood to see a friend.. Walking through the sea of readers I happened upon a fabulous energetic woman named Angie with the best smile and huge heart❤️ Just sat down at her booth on the notion that I could get some clarity around some life issues. What I received was way beyond my expectations.. A real life changer Angie is a really gifted soulful woman .. She will change your life .. Thank you Angie I felt safe and loved in your presence 

Ann Meyring ❤️